Artist | Life Coach | Educator | Dancer | Creative Businessowner | Community Event Planner | Spiritual Practitioner

AséO Empowerment Program
AséO Empowerment Program
Independent Educator & Contractor: For schools, organizations and homeschooling
Service Description
Creative Practice can be the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, that challenges, questions, expresses and celebrates matters of the world and yourself within it. This program course will center the exploration of life through the lens of creative practice. Participants will explore and practice the research, application, discovery and radical act of using art as an expressive tool for creativity, resilience, personal fulfillment, liberation and social change. Ase’ O: Descendants of Legacy & Roots is an educational program and self-made curriculum that centers literacy, creative arts, storytelling, artivism, identity exploration, cultural awareness, community empowerment, archiving, intergenerational legacy and community connection. Through this program, we will use creative expression to further uplift leadership, public speaking, resume and skill building, goal setting, literacy, writing and business mapping. This presents itself as a series of classes, community workshops, mindfulness practices and creative field trips that exposes youth and adults to various forms of culture and practice. Students will also be exposed to community centered creative field trips in and beyond their local communities. We will explore radicalism through emotional, historical, socio-political, global and internal awareness that highlights the wondrous process of integrative learning through the arts. We will use creative approaches to guide us in our understanding of the world around us and the ways we can use our natural passion for social change. This will form through the lens of the Socio-Ecological Model and Social Change Ecosystem. Program: Teaching: Jaee partnering with your school, organization and/or community space to teach the Ase’O curriculum through a workshop or program series that leads to a student showcase. This can include field trips and creative internships Coaching/Consultation: Jaee as a consultant or coach that supports teachers and schools in incorporating arts integration within your lesson plans and core subjects that supports all learning styles Liaison: Jaee as a liaison in bridging organizations and professional creators together. Includes: K-12 and Colleges, Shelters, Nonprofits, Businesses, Incubators, Senior homes, etc.. Programming Fee: Dependent on duration of program and group/class size. Programming Locations: U.S, Aboard & Virtual All partnerships require initial planning meeting via Zoom

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please email us at least 24 hours before the session or event. Email:
Contact Details